Cristovao Teixeira
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Brilliant app, it allows us to see the world from a completely different perspective 👏 well done Google. However, just a heads up: I find the Timelapse feature very annoying but useful at the same time, however it would be good if you created a manual slider to see satellite imagery at different dates like Google Earth Pro. I guarantee that I and other people would find this very helpful if this was implemented into the app. However, no 5 star until something is done about it.
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This app used to be so much better, but of course they had to make it worse with an update. Now, the app's UI is less space efficient, with half the screen taken up by "your projects" on every startup. Worse, the app is now a lot slower. It used to load the maps in just a couple seconds, but now it can take over a minute even on good Internet, and there is no visual improvement. 5* -> 3*. Please bring back the old version.
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Bob Wags
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Crash! Crash! Crash! That's pretty much all this update does. Google Earth continues to get worse with each new update. Samsung Health continues to tell me there's a problem with Earth. Also, if you open another window or answer a call, it throws you back to aerial view and the settings reset. I guess Google Programing is taking the lowest bidder. Actually, they are working up to charging $ for a PREMIUM VERSION, one that will actually work.
779 people found this review helpful